22 Settembre 2022
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22 Settembre 2022

X Factor 16: Filippo Ricchiardi, in arte fil, presenta l’inedito in inglese “1E3MILES”

Il suo inedito racconta la solitudine e il tormento di quando ti manca una persona che hai amato

X Factor 16 Filippo Ricchiardi inedito
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X Factor Filippo Ricchiardi inedito in inglese per il 21enne che vive in Canada e che ha stupito i quattro giudici del programma con la sua vocalità davvero originale.

Filippo è di Torino ma ora vive in Canada. Si racconta affermando di essere un ragazzo molto timido e chiuso che solo con la musica riesce a cambiare, trasformandosi un animale da palco. Il suo nome d’arte è Fil.

Il ragazzo riesce a conquistare l’intera giuria con 1e3miles, il suo brano inedito. La canzone racconta il momento difficile dopo la fine di una storia…

In fondo, affogo, vorrei non aver sentito niente… in questo momento sono fuori e mi servirebbe davvero un drink, ma mi riempirò di lacrime e vorrei che tu fossi qui…

A seguire testo e video della canzone

X Factor Filippo Ricchiardi inedito 1E3MILES testo e video

Sun was still out
As the rain began to
Slowly fall down
As if I’m running out of time

Now I’m in doubt
When I close my eyes and I
I see you drown
Coughing water from this

Pool you filled with tears
And I wish you were here

All of the time that I was scared of getting close
Cause every time my body froze and turned to stone
I don’t know how I though that I could let you go
But here I am
And now its hard to be a thousand miles away

I never thought it’d be this hard to be away

Sun was still out
Shivers running down my spine
Covered in clouds
And I’m not around

Deep down
I drown
Wish I didn’t feel a thing

Right now
I’m out
And I could really use a drink

But I will fill with tears
And I wish you were here

All of the time that I was scared of getting close
Cause every time my body froze and turned to stone
I don’t know how I though that I could let you go
But here I am
And now its hard to be a thousand miles away

I never thought it’d be this hard to be away

And I think too much
And I probably won’t stop
I’ve seen better days
When you called my name

All of the time that I was scared of getting close
Cause every time my body froze and turned to stone
I don’t know how I though that I could let you go
But here I am
And now its hard to be a thousand miles away
I never thought it’d be this hard to be away

I never thought it’d be this hard to be away